How to wash white laces at home – 10 ways

White laces can give a delicate touch to any ensemble, but they can be difficult to keep tidy and bright. Laces can easily become dull or stained over time, whether they’re on your favorite pair of sneakers, a vintage dress, or a sentimental piece of underwear.

Fortunately, there are lots of easy ways you can do at home to get them back to their original whiteness. Your delicate laces can be gently cleaned and refreshed with everyday household items, all without causing any damage to their delicate fabric.

The easiest way is to boil

It is hard to eradicate the blackness that is infused with white laces. Elevated body temperature manages this. As an example, you could bring the laces to a boil in water along with some washing powder or baking soda. Just be careful not to add too much—too much will cause a lot of foam to form and spill over. For the same reason, you can pre-soak the laces and submerge them in water, but you shouldn’t add dishwashing detergent to the water.

In a washing machine

Will you be washing anything that needs to be heated to a high temperature, like towels? Use them to clean your laces. You can use laundry soap or soak them in a soap solution before washing them for better results. Fold them twice or three times and tie a knot in the center to keep them from tangling around other clothing. The most important factor is that it should not be too tight; otherwise, the laces will not wash out where the knot is.

It can be difficult to keep white laces bright and clean, but you can easily bring them back to their former state at home using the right techniques. With the help of common household items and easy techniques, this article provides ten quick and easy ways to wash white laces so that they stay crisp and white hassle-free.


Using laundry detergent can aid in the removal of stubborn stains. Fill a container with water, then add bleach. Its whiteness can be liquid or loose. After submerging the laces, let them soak for 20 to 30 minutes before hand-or machine-washing them.


An acidic solution and lemon juice make natural bleach. Juice alone won’t get rid of the dirt in the laces; you also need to wash them with soap or washing powder after soaking them for 30 minutes. You can dilute the citric acid solution by using a teaspoon for every half-glass of water if you don’t have any fruit on hand.


One more bleach that is suitable for all purposes. The laces only need to be soaked in a few tablespoons of the solution. You can increase the bleaching effect by mixing ammonia and hydrogen peroxide 1:1. Ammonia has a strong smell, so exercise caution when breathing it in and quickly ventilate the space. No more than 30 minutes should be soaked, as this could chemically burn the lace fibers.

Soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

You can use any of these products as a bleach to get rid of blackness:

  • Make a 1:1 solution of vinegar with water and immerse the laces in it;
  • Dilute soda with water to form a paste, which is then applied on top;
  • Hydrogen peroxide can be used simply by soaking the item of laundry in it or pouring it on top so that the peroxide is absorbed into the fabric.

They also initiate a chemical reaction by taking advantage of the properties of soda and vinegar. After applying the soda paste to the laces, pour or submerge them in vinegar. A large amount of foam forms as a result of this operation; this is carbon dioxide being released. The container still contains water, but as the foam erupts, it draws all of the dirt out of the fibers’ depths.

Laundry soap

This product is widely accessible and can be found in nearly every household. It works well with colored laces as well as white ones. The laces can be washed by hand using a bar of soap that you’ve foamed with your hands, or they can be machine washed with a thick layer of soap. Make a soap solution if the blackness is substantial and unlikely to go away after washing.

Grate the laundry soap and mix in water to accomplish this. In this manner, small shavings will dissolve in the water more quickly, saving you time from having to lather the bar with your hands. The shavings can also be used to make a thick gruel that will still work just as well.

It should be noted that there is a liquid product that has the same composition as bar soap.


Here, it’s all very easy: just brush toothpaste onto the fabric. Using a brush is a more efficient method as it allows the paste to enter the fibers more deeply than using your finger. It is then sufficient to wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off the residue.

It rapidly brightens the shoes themselves as well as the laces. The toes of sneakers, also known as trainers, are cleaned with it. If you frequently wear white shoes, buy any cheap paste and use a cleaning brush to rub the paste on them. Toothpaste is easily removed from surfaces, and cleaning only takes a few minutes, maybe five.

Hydrogen peroxide

It can be applied pure or diluted in equal parts with water, as some people do. It’s crucial to remember to wash the item in the solution; if you don’t, the fibers’ structure could be harmed and they could become brittle or hard. Lace laces are dipped in several tablespoons; however, you can pour them from above directly from a bottle, as the porous structure absorbs liquid quickly. This will save you money. After bleaching, wash.

Method Description
Baking Soda Soak laces in warm water with baking soda for an hour, then scrub gently.
White Vinegar Soak laces in a mixture of white vinegar and water for 30 minutes, then rinse.
Lemon Juice Apply lemon juice to stains, leave in the sun, and then rinse with water.
Hydrogen Peroxide Mix hydrogen peroxide with water and soak laces for 30 minutes before washing.
Bleach Use a small amount of bleach in water, soak for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
Laundry Detergent Wash laces in warm soapy water, scrubbing gently to remove dirt.
Toothpaste Apply white toothpaste to stains, scrub with a brush, and rinse with water.
Dish Soap Mix dish soap with warm water and soak laces, then rinse and dry.
Boiling Water Soak laces in boiling water for a few minutes, then wash as usual.
Oxygen Bleach Soak laces in oxygen bleach and water for an hour, then rinse thoroughly.

White laces can be difficult to keep clean, but you can totally bring them back to life at home if you use the proper techniques. Simple household products like dish soap, vinegar, and baking soda can be used to effectively remove dirt and stains without causing harm to the delicate fabric.

Select the approach that best suits your requirements and the state of your laces as each has benefits of its own. These methods will help you keep your white laces looking their best, whether you prefer a mild hand wash or a longer soak.

Always handle your laces carefully, especially if you’re using stronger cleaning solutions, and test a small area beforehand to prevent any unpleasant surprises. These pointers will help your white laces look brand-new for an extended period of time.

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Dmitry Kornev

Interior designer and passionate fan of textiles. For me, fabric is not just a material, but a tool with which you can create coziness and style in any room. On this site I share my ideas and tips on how to use textiles in interior design to emphasize your individuality.

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