How to make free delivery to Wildberries: terms of order delivery

Getting goods to clients in a timely and effective manner is essential to selling on Wildberries. Free delivery is one way to draw in more customers and keep them satisfied. However, given the unique terms and conditions that Wildberries has in place, it can be challenging for sellers to set up and oversee free delivery.

You can follow this guide to learn all the necessary procedures and conditions to enable free delivery on Wildberries. You’ll discover how to set this option up, how much it costs, and how to make sure your orders fit the requirements. After reading this post, you’ll be more prepared to provide free delivery to your clients and increase your platform sales.

Terms of delivery to Wildberries

Goods can be delivered to buyers in two ways: via courier or in-person at the designated pick-up location. By the way, you can now find them in practically every part of the nation, even the most remote ones. The customer has the option to select any nearby pick-up location when placing an order on the website.

Courier service

If the buyer lacks the time or opportunity to visit the pick-up point, then having the goods delivered by courier is a convenient option. How are wildberries delivered? All over the nation, purchases are delivered by the courier service. You need to enter the name of the apartment, house, street, and city in order to place an order.

Depending on the area of residence, the delivery of Wildberries products by courier service may take several days. The term is only one day in Moscow and the surrounding area. Goods can be delivered to other cities in as little as two days or even a week. Following payment on the website, details regarding the estimated time of arrival for the order along with the courier’s contact details will be shown.

Please be aware that not all regions are able to receive orders using this method. You will also need to search other websites for the product if you are not interested in picking it up in person and there is no courier delivery available. Shane, for instance, delivers to isolated areas of the nation, Belarus, and the Crimea.

The courier must notify you of his arrival one hour prior to delivery. You can report anything you didn’t like about his work or the fact that he didn’t accomplish this to the Wildberries company, who keep a close eye on the caliber of their services.

The courier used to take both cash and non-cash payments, but cash payments have been totally discontinued due to the pandemic. Customers do, however, observe that it is now simpler for someone else to accept the order.

Wildberries pick-up point

You can choose on your own where in your city to pick up your wildberries delivery conditions. This is particularly useful if there are multiple points. They work seven days a week and number about 3,000 across the nation. Here, you can carefully inspect the delivered goods and try on clothing or shoes.

All that needs to be entered when making a purchase is the name of the location. The system will show any pick-up points if it has any. The region’s location affects the speed. One day for Moscow and the surrounding area, and two to five days for other cities. It might take up to ten days in isolated areas of the nation. Why is it taking so long? Though it is uncommon, there could be numerous causes for this. It is best to call 8 (800) 100-75-05 to speak with experts right away about this.

How can delivery be accelerated? This cannot be completed by the buyer alone. The client just needs to make adjustments to the approximate date that the system automatically calculates. However, you can pick the dates when to make a purchase so that it arrives by a specific time if you are aware of how long it might take.

In another article, we covered the topic of opening your own WB pick-up point.

Storage period

The delivered items may be kept for a few days at the pick-up location. The point itself determines their number, which typically ranges from 4 to 10 days. How can I prolong the shelf life or pick a different time to pick up my purchase? This can be done through the mobile application or your personal account on the official website.

You must access your personal account and choose the "Profile" section in order to manage your orders. Click the "More details" button in the "Deliveries" block to view the list of ordered items.

Order Amount Delivery Terms
Over $100 Free delivery available
Below $100 Delivery fee applied
Special Promotions Free delivery during specific offers
Subscription Service Free delivery for subscribers

It can be a wise decision to provide free delivery on Wildberries in order to increase clientele and revenue. It demonstrates your appreciation for consumer convenience and your willingness to go above and beyond to ensure a flawless shopping experience.

But it’s crucial to pay close attention to the associated expenses and logistics. Verify that providing free delivery won’t have a detrimental effect on your profit margins. It all comes down to striking the ideal balance between bringing in clients and keeping your company viable.

You can successfully integrate free delivery into your Wildberry sales approach by comprehending the terms of order delivery and organizing your plan accordingly.

In order to provide free delivery on Wildberries, you must adhere to certain guidelines that guarantee an efficient and economical process. These include being aware of the platform’s specifications, such as minimum order quantities, and the logistics of product packaging and delivery. Ordering strategically and working with Wildberries’ delivery system will allow you to offer free delivery to consumers without sacrificing your business’s profitability or attractiveness.

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Dmitry Kornev

Interior designer and passionate fan of textiles. For me, fabric is not just a material, but a tool with which you can create coziness and style in any room. On this site I share my ideas and tips on how to use textiles in interior design to emphasize your individuality.

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