How to determine the size of a man”s hat?

It can be difficult to determine a man’s hat size, particularly with the wide variety of styles and brands available. To ensure the ideal fit, whether you’re shopping in-person or online, you must know how to measure for a hat.

A hat that is too loose won’t stay in place, while one that is too tight may be uncomfortable. Accurately measuring your head and knowing how hat sizes fit are crucial.

In order to make sure that the hat you buy next is both fashionable and comfy, this guide will take you through a few easy steps to determine your correct hat size.

Once you know how to measure correctly, finding the correct size for a man’s hat is easy. You can quickly locate a hat that fits comfortably and looks fantastic by measuring the circumference of the head just above the ears with a flexible tape measure and comparing the results to a standard hat size chart.

What parameters do you need to know?

In order to ascertain with precision if a given buyer will fit a particular hat, you must know:

  • Head diameter. This is the circumference of the skull along the line just above the eyebrows.
  • Skull height. This parameter is less important, since the shape of the head is relatively standard for most people. Nevertheless, these numbers are also necessary for an accurate fitting.

It is important to keep in mind that the diameter of the head is more important overseas than the girth, or circumference. A few details to note are that the skull’s diameter is greater along the axial line than it is along the lateral line (from ear to ear) because it is not perfectly spherical.

If a person’s skull shape is unusual, you must measure:

  • the longitudinal arch – from the brow folds to the middle of the back of the head;
  • transverse line – from temple to temple through the crown heads.

Last but not least, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the inch table is still in use in addition to centimeters (in Great Britain, the USA and some other countries). It is therefore necessary to convert centimeters to inches beforehand if you are purchasing a hat that was made in these countries and does not have a regulator.

Table of ratios for different countries

You can use the tables used in Europe, Asia, or Russia to find your size.

Head circumference, cm Size for Russia European (international) size Anglo-American size
54 54 XXS 6 3/4
55 55 XS 6 7/8
56 56 S 7
57 57 M 7 1/8
58 58 L 7 1/4
59 59 XL 7 3/8
60 60 XXL 7 1/2
61 61 XXL 7 5/8
62 62 XXXL 7 3/4
63 63 XXXL 7 7/8
64 64 XXXXL 8
65 65 XXXXL 8 1/8

The fact that Russian sizes are determined by the circumference of the head in centimeters is readily apparent. Regarding the Asian table, it is not necessary to draw attention to it separately because it is utilized in China and other nations using either the Anglo-American or international formats, which are oriented toward the head circumference in the inch system.

How to determine the size?

You must first measure your head to find out if a hat will fit. You can use the table to determine your size based on the girth and the national standard for that country.

How to take your measurements?

There are two ways to figure out what size hat you should wear:

  • Measure yourself with a tape measure or a flexible tailor"s tape measure. Measurements should be taken as follows: first, the tape measure is applied to the forehead, then drawn through the temple (at least 5 mm above the ear) to the line where the head meets the spine (above the upper border of the atlas, the first vertebra), then through the second temple (at the same level above the ears) and to the point where the measurement began.
  • Measure yourself with a thread or tape. Then its length can be measured on a straight ruler graduated in inches or centimeters – depending on the country in which you buy the hat.

Depending on the shape of the skull, the most protruding occipital point (protuberantia occipitalis externa), or the inion, can be used to measure instead of the point where the spine and skull meet. Human inion can be maximally protruding or completely absent, according to craneometry.

Head Circumference (cm) Hat Size (US)
54-55 Small
56-57 Medium
58-59 Large
60-61 X-Large

Selecting the appropriate size for a man’s hat doesn’t need to be difficult. Finding a hat that fits properly is simple if you know how different sizing systems operate and take a measurement of your head’s circumference.

Keep in mind that the hat’s style and material can have an impact on how it feels to wear. Depending on how they are made and the fabric they are made of, some hats may fit snugger or looser.

In the end, a well-fitting hat enhances your appearance while also being comfortable. You’ll feel good and at ease wearing your hat on any occasion if it’s the correct size.

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Anastasia Belova

I have been working in the textile industry for over 12 years. My main hobby is studying the properties of fabrics and their impact on our everyday life. I love to talk about new products and share practical tips on caring for different materials. My collection contains hundreds of fabric samples from all over the world, and I am ready to share my findings with you!

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